Saviours' Day Gift 2013 Drive

Friday, June 19, 2009

Used vs Loved

A lot in my life I have heard Never Give Up. And From time to time it went in one ear and out the other. Studying for tests to get good grades, trying out for various sports teams and positions, building a project to showcase your talent. When these things presented a level of difficulty a lot of the time I gave up and took the road with least resentence, at that time not knowing where that decision was to lead me in life. As I reflect on my life and seeing how I let difficulty weaken my will to strive for the best in me, I became very venerable to the elements that surrounded me, the main one being drugs. That in its self lead to change in attitude and self esteem issues, which are perfect breeding ground for drugs and alcohol, and I welcomed that. I felt that I was relieving myself of the fact that I had lost the will to fight. In many ways I, Brother David "Gave Up". It is very important to me to always remember how I became addicted to the destructive lifestyle I lead for such a long time, killing myself, my family, relationships, ambition, self esteem, and the most important, killing the God in me for 25 plus years. Today I have a better view of self and my purpose for living.

I struggle for balance today, as I constantly strive to overcome difficulties that I continue to face,".....without struggle, you cannot bring out of yourself that which God has deposited within you. It is something that has to be brought out and it is a struggle overcoming difficulties that manifest your own gifts and your own sublime qualities...: (SG- Overcoming Difficulties). My struggles with crack cocaine has brought out in me some determination that I lost in my early years, Never Giving Up is my mind set today. Allah (God) is and has allowed me to see that which He has deposited in me, I had to endure all the pain and heartache to realize my own worth and value to myself, family, and community. I choose to stand and help and do my part to rebuild my community. I would not be able to reach out to my Brothers and Sisters if I had not gone through the drugs. Never Giving Up is something that I would with Allah (Gods) help to put on the hearts of all that struggles with addiction. I understand a great deal about the mixed feelings and controversy that surround drug addiction. I challenge myself and all of you that are reading to a continual process of growth and development within self by Building Human Potential and fighting to Overcome Difficulty as we Struggle for Balance and cultivate The Characteristic of Humility the quality that we must gain in order to bring about a better world and become redeemers of self and others. Allah is The True Center of Everything, and we must truly recognize that in order to understand the Law Of God, so we may by Allah (Gods) grace and mercy be lifted to do The Will Of God. All can be achieved by Never Giving UP!!!!!!!

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