Saviours' Day Gift 2013 Drive

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Interest Within

In the name of Allah the beneficent most merciful, I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad to whom all praises are due, I also bear witness that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is our dear Apostle and Exhaulted Christ, and I also bear witness that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is our divine guider, leader, and teacher today in our midst.
As Salaam Alaikum,

Oh God Allah please guides my body, spirit, and mind as I submit myself to you as a representative. Use me as your Instrument.

The 2nd self or the mother of civilization has maintained much respect for self and she remains fully clothed

Being viewed as remarkable to the royalty trying to focus on an Egyptian Queens robe

Being in her midst, obviously she is in tune mentally and spiritually

Her intellectual level of intelligence allows me to focus on her divinity as infinite mental crossings through her spirituality crosses my path

Causing the most advance brain to exceed its godly expectations

Drawing my full attraction which facially is hard not to express

But within self I see so much potential as my interest grows

Holding ranks, giving thanks to Allah as I focus on the mission, I become afraid

To come confront, inform the interest may cause her to become confused

Or to cause an Awkward environment promoting gossip and not being able to protect one another from a spreading of names

So I continue to stay to self pushing away the interest as my temple becomes my resting place

Awaiting to hear her speak, approach, leave, and catch every door that she reaches

So Hannibal, what’s good? How does one show they are interested?

Well Bro that’s the hard part, U only have one source so I ask her if her father has been seen

Knowing it’s not the easiest, obvious approach, but is my comfort zone

See, I am a proud Muslim willing to take the proper steps I but I don’t know if I am ready

Going to school, working trying to stabilize self for a future

Not wanting to bring a person into a stressful environment that is too difficult to figure together

If I don’t I may miss out on my opportunity, future wife, and everlasting life

So what do I do, besides continue to be me and strive to better thy self

Oh Dear Son, I See Your Interest, But With Time, I will provide your other half in your Life

To Achieve the Goal, Path, and any Blessings, Asked of me, But Now Better Thy Self

Resurrect my People, Atone, Bring Equality, and I will Bring you Success and Wealth, and then and only then will you be blessed with a 2nd self.

Allah will guide you towards thee.

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